We at Birchfield Big Local understand how difficult this time of year can be, whether it be financially, mentally or emotionally stressing, we do not want you to feel alone in this. Below there is information regarding available support around the Holiday Season.
Birmingham Christmas Shelter
This shelter provides people who are currently experiencing homelessness and adults who would otherwise be alone at Christmas, with a free warm, safe place to eat, shower, sleep and enjoy Christmas. If you would like to come and share Christmas with us, you do not need a referral and can just turn up any time of the day or night while we are open, and you may also bring your dogs if you wish.
From Friday the 24th – 28th December, Located at: St George’s Hub, Great Hampton Row, Newtown, Birmingham, B19 3JG.
More information can be found at: Shelter Week – Birmingham Christmas Shelter
Check out our Local Support page for additional information: Local Support – Birchfield Big Local