We’re facing the biggest cost of living crisis in a generation, with increases in energy, food, and housing costs. What can we do to reduce our energy costs and keep warm and well?
Birchfield Big Local has joined together with four other local organisations – Witton Lodge Community Association, Nishkam Centre, New Hope Global and Age Concern – to provide advice and support that will help households save energy and money. The programme is called Community Action Network (CAN) ~ Energy and was launched at an event on Friday 16th June to celebrate the first anniversary of Witton Lakes Eco Hub.
In Birchfield we will be organising Energy Café events at the Wilton Road United Reformed Church and other venues, providing telephone and face-to-face advice, and arranging home visits for those households that need more in-depth support.
Funded through the Energy Redress Scheme, the programme aims to provide a community-based fuel poverty advice and advocacy service to residents impacted by the cost-of-living crisis. To find out more please contact: 07421 994752; email: andrew@birchfieldbiglocal.org – or call in at the United Reformed Church, 13 Wilton Road, Birchfield B20 3RX.