Birchfield Big Local TeamThe pages in this section summarise the key programmes that are delivered at the Birchfield Big Local (BBL) base at Grosvenor Road Studios.

BBL’s purpose is to support the development of a neighbourhood where the diverse community feels empowered, engaged and enabled to address issues such as health, inequality, unemployment, education and environment, so creating a happy, safe, clean, prosperous and regenerated area in which to live and work. See the BBL Plan here >

A place where every citizen has a collective sense of ownership, belonging, pride, respect, creativity and an equal voice.

A place where individual talent and skills are nurtured and people want to come and stay.

In this way we will provide a lasting legacy to all people by giving them a new direction that helps break the cycle of poverty through creating a well-served and connected community.

The above is the Vision Statement created at the Birchfield Big Local Plan Conference held at Grosvenor Road Studios on Saturday 7 September 2013.

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