Birmingham Adult Education Services (BAES) wants to help all its learners to achieve their potential in life, in work and as active citizens. Their new careers programme Passport to Employment will help you to do just that!

As part of our Learner Gateway commitment BAES have developed a series of one hour workshops that will help you to be successful in your journey into work. The workshops are designed to complement your current study programme and develop your skills so you will be better equipped to achieve your long-term goals and aspirations.

The Passport to Employment programme is FREE and you can come along to any of the workshops and attend one, two or all three of them. Dates and times of workshops at each centre are available here:

Alternatively look out for posters in your local centre telling you when workshops are running. To book your place please speak to centre staff.

Your journey to success in the world of work starts here!

Article Image Credit : Birmingham Adult Education Services

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