Role: Stepping Forward Job Club Volunteer Assistants
Four role positions available:
Birchfield Big Local (BBL) is re-developing the Stepping Forward Job Club, and is seeking enthusiastic and experienced people who will have a positive and proactive commitment to providing a friendly and relaxed environment in which local people living in the BBL area can improve their employment prospects for the future and explore the opportunities available to them.
Along with relevant experience, skills and knowledge to undertake the role, volunteer assistants will also be required to undertake training in job club principles as part of the induction process. Other training will be made available that is appropriate to the role.
How to apply: You can download the role description/person specification at the foot of this article.
Please submit the following:
a) A brief personal summary (of no more than 350 words) that tells us how you think you meet the role description/person specification
b) A copy of an up-to-date CV
If you have any difficulties downloading the documents, you can phone 0121 448 5594 or email to ask them to be emailed to you.
If you require any further information regarding the role, please contact our volunteer co-ordinator: Mehnaz Afzal at 074214994753 or
Please return completed documents:
By email to:
By post to: Birchfield Big Local
16 Grosvenor Road, Birchfield
Birmingham, B20 3NP
Please note: We will call or email all applicants within 14 days. Suitable candidates will be invited for an informal interview at a time convenient to all parties concerned.
Closing Time/Date: Open until further notice
Informal Interview Date: By arrangement
Application Pack:
Article Image Credit : Stuart Miles at