All projects are currently put on hold due to the impacts of Covid-19.

We still welcome volunteers at Big Local and will appreciate any help you can offer.

Birchfield Big Local relies on volunteers to run many of its activities including community events and projects to improve the environment or provide help and support to residents.

Birchfield Big Local is currently looking for volunteers to help with the following projects:

  • Over 50’s Meet & Eat Lunch Club – cooks and helpers needed for monthly sessions to include a meal and activities to be held at St Mary’s church hall, Handsworth
  • English Conversation Classes – assisting with classes which aim to help residents improve their spoken English.
  • Stepping Forward Job Club – providing practical support for people with such things as putting together a CV or finding and following up employment and training opportunities
  • Secret Garden Play Project – helping to run outdoor play sessions at the Secret Garden community garden and play space.

Training and support will be provided. Volunteers have benefited from certified training and qualifications in such areas as Food hygiene, First Aid, Adult safeguarding, and Play work.

Please feel free to contact Mehnaz Afzal, Volunteer Coordinator, if you would like further details about any of the volunteering opportunities on Tel: 0121 448 5594  Mobile: 07421994753 or Email:

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