Birchfield Big Local has teamed up with Birmingham City Council’s Adult Education Service to provide FREE training sessions at Grosvenor Road Studios or their premises in Aston. Why not express an interest!
The course is in two parts (you’ll need to attend both days):
Part One: IT Skills for Beginners …
Participants will learn all the basic skills related to the use of computers including;
Switching on and properly shutting down PC’s
How to use a PC keyboard
Using and producing documents
Using online applications
And more ..
Basic requirements:
Participants must be on a job related benefit (e.g. Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance or Universal Credit)
Participants must have at least a basic knowledge of IT and use of computers
Participants must have a basic grasp of English and be able to understand and communicate with the tutors
Must be able to commit to the full 2-day schedule (9am to 3pm)
Participants can bring along their own laptops if they wish
Part Two: Work Skills Course …
This part of the course will help participants to be more effective in their job search efforts.
These sessions will include:
Job searching skills
Completing application forms
Appropriate behaviour in the workplace
Mock interview sessions
And more ..
Basic requirements:
These are generally the same as the above.
Please contact Tippa Naphtali (Volunteer Co-ordinator) if you are interested in attending.
T: 07421 994753 E:
Article Image Credit : StartupStockPhotos at