Birchfield Big Local has teamed up with Ifa Yoruba Contemporary Arts Trust to organise the Birchfield Jazz and Heritage Community Celebration. This will be the seventh year of the Jazz Festival though this year’s event is at the slightly later date of Saturday 9th September (2pm – 9pm) and will be at a new venue: The United Reformed Church, 13 Wilton Road, Handsworth B20 3RX. This year’s festival has been timed to coincide with the Mayor’s Community Weekend and the start of Birmingham Heritage Week.
Please come and enjoy a superb line-up of musical performances, together with music workshops and arts & crafts activities for all the family. There will also be sessions on smoothie making, boxercise and healthy eating throughout the afternoon. Admission free.
The event is funded by the Commonwealth Games Legacy Community Events Fund and the Mayor’s Community Weekend 2023 Fund.