Birchfield Big Local is about to begin year 4 of a 10-year programme.
We would like your views on the priorities for the next two years.
Below is a list of activities based on what we have been doing and some new ideas.
We would like you to give each one a score from 0 (not a priority) to 5 (high priority) depending on how important you think it is for Birchfield.
If there are other priorities that you think we should be taking action on, then please list these in the spaces provided. These ideas will be included in deciding future plans.
If you would like further information about any of the proposed ideas then please contact or phone: 0121 448 5594 (Mobile: 07421994752)
or visit the BBL office at 16 Grosvenor Road Studios, 16 Grosvenor Road B20 3NP.