Birchfield Big Local partnership is a year old. Most partnership members are local residents and they take decisions in line with the Big Local Plan which was agreed after extensive consultations with local people. Another key role for partnership members is building relationships with the diverse community groups, organisations and businesses in the area. The partnership has a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. Elections were held in August and the following people were elected unopposed:

Dr Rhonda Lee – Chair

Claudette Dawson – Vice-Chair

Dorrette Hanson – Secretary

Tina-Brown Love – Treasurer

Local people are welcome to join the partnership. There is a straightforward membership process. Partnership members are expected to sign up to a code of conduct and an agreement with the Local Trust who manage the Big Local programme nationally. We also have an accountable body Birmingham Voluntary Service Council who administer the funding on behalf of the partnership and ensure that the proper financial controls are in place. If you are interested in joining the partnership or would like to find out more about what’s involved please contact us at: 16 Grosvenor Road, Birchfield B20 3NP Telephone: 0121 448 5594  Mobile: 07429838699

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